
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017

Plastic arts and geometry

The resource that I'm going to introduce you today it is called  HyperQBS by its author  Andreas Hoenigschmid.  This resource consists of cubes that  are made up of 12 individual pyramids which are connected on their sides with magnets. Moving these triangles you can create different geometric shapes  with a single cube.  I believe that this resource it is a great educational  resource to teach 3D shapes in primary education. In this way, students can manipulate and create different solid shapes. Moreover, these cubes allow us to relational geometry and plastic arts. A good activity would be that students would create their own cube drawing different patterns.  

25 ITCs tools to teach maths

I think that ICTs resources are a good way of teaching maths because it is highly motivated to the students and also, it present the contents more visual and intuitive way. Moreover, as the students use ITCs resources in their daily life, it is important that the teacher include this source in the teaching and learning process. For this reason, I have found this link very interesting. In this link, 25 tools to develop different mathematic contents are proposed in order to enrich the learning process through practical experiences. http://www.aulaplaneta.com/2015/09/08/recursos-tic/25-herramientas-para-ensenar-matematicas-con-las-tic/ I believe that the best tool is called Retomates, because it allows to develop mathematical contents through games and fun activities. In this way, students can acquire a meaningful learning.

Creating our own manipulative materials...

Hello! Today, I'm going to show you an easy way of creating manipulative materials in order to teach geometry to our pupils. The materials that we need are very simple and we can find them at home, so you have no excuse! With this material you can teach different areas of geometry such us symmetry and sequences and shapes recognition. In this way, you can develop different activities with the same resource. Here you have the link to this interesting idea:  https://aprendiendomatematicas.com/cuadricula-geometria-con-tapones/

Bienvenidos a mi blog

Hola, mi nombre es Alina López Blanco. Soy alumna del grado de maestro/a de Educación Primaria en la Universidad de Málaga. He creado este blog con el objetivo de compartir recursos educativos e información de interés sobre la enseñanza de la Geometría. ¡Espero que encontréis útil la información que encontréis y que os guste mi blog!