
Maths anxiety

Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you this interesting video. In this video you can discover what is maths anxiety. Researchers prove that about 20 percent of the population suffers from it, so you should know more about it!

Musical intelligences

Today I want to share with you different songs to teach or to consolidate mathematical contents such us the classification of the triangles. As we have seen in other posts, we have to cope with the multiple intelligences that we find in our classes. Therefore, we can use these songs to cope with the musical intelligences. Moreover, it is a useful way to reinforce the contents developed in the class, because students can repeat the songs many times while they are singing.

Sweet maths

Today, I want to share with you this video. If you want to discover a new way of teaching maths, watch it! In this video you can watch a creative way of teaching equal fractions by physically moving and touching pieces of chocolate. Moreover, you can also use this method to teach simplifying fractions. As teachers, we have to look for alternatives in order to catch students' attention; and I believe that in this video the speaker shows us a great idea to do it.

Visual feedback as a way of teaching

Today I'm going to show you this video because I found this very interesting in order to change the traditional teaching approach of mathematics.  In this video, the speaker proposes us that we can change the way in which we teach maths.  We can teach maths without words, only using visual information.  As everybody know, there is not only one type of intelligence. Howard Gardner is the author of the Multiple Intelligences theory,  which has revolutionized our definition of intelligence. Nowadays, and according with this theory, we do not believe on the idea of a single intelligence.  There are multiple types of human intelligence, and each representing different ways of processing information: Verbal-linguistic intelligence Logical-mathematical intelligence  Visual-spatial intelligence Musical intelligence  Naturalistic intelligence  Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence This means that some people learn better using visual resources such

10 apps to teach mathematics

Today, I want to show you 10 apps to consolidate mathematical contents. As you know, nowadays all the pupils use tablets and other ICTs resources in their everyday life. Most of the time, they use these devices to play games or to watch videos and cartoons. For this reason, I believe that a good idea would be use this ICTs resources in a educational way. In this way, students would spend their free time playing with app which develop their mathematical thinking. In this link you can find 10 of these apps. However, the important thing is promoting the use of ICTs resources in a educational manner. http://www.educaciontrespuntocero.com/recursos/apps-de-matematicas-tablet-ios-android/41271.html

Using origami in order to teach geometry

Today I'm going to introduce you to the manipulative material called origami. With these videos students can learn how to build 3D shapes easily. Therefore, through this resource, students can apply the theoretical contents of geometry and acquire a meaningful learning. Traditionally, Origami has been associated with Japanese culture, and it is the art of paper folding in order to create different figures. The German pedagogue Friedich Fröebel (1782-1852) was responsible for introducing the origami in schools with the aim of teaching geometric shapes. I think that this material is great because students will learn better the content if they apply it to real-life experiences, so if they create with their own hands the geometric shapes, they will learn better their characteristics. Moreover, students can do origami as a hobby, because it is a relaxing activity to do in their free time.

Teaching angles in a meaningful way

Today I'm going to introduce you to this link in which you can find 5 interesting ways of teaching angles.     http://www.eligeeducar.cl/5-actividades-ensenar-angulos-una-forma-entretenida As teachers, our duty is to make contents comprehensible to the students, because only in this way they will perform a meaningful learning. In this way, we have to search different strategies, activities and resources to make it possible. For this reason, I recommend you this interesting resource.  In this link, you can find 5 activities to teach angles in a meaningful way. By doing these activities, students can create and use manipulative materials in order to learn the content,  so they can acquire a meaningful learning. Therefore, the teacher apply an abstract concept such as angles to a real-life context. We can find angles in many places in our immediate surroundings, so we have to take advantage of it.