Visual feedback as a way of teaching

Today I'm going to show you this video because I found this very interesting in order to change the traditional teaching approach of mathematics.  In this video, the speaker proposes us that we can change the way in which we teach maths.  We can teach maths without words, only using visual information. 

As everybody know, there is not only one type of intelligence. Howard Gardner is the author of the Multiple Intelligences theory,  which has revolutionized our definition of intelligence. Nowadays, and according with this theory, we do not believe on the idea of a single intelligence.  There are multiple types of human intelligence, and each representing different ways of processing information:

  • Verbal-linguistic intelligence
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence 
  • Visual-spatial intelligence
  • Musical intelligence 
  • Naturalistic intelligence 
  • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence

This means that some people learn better using visual resources such us mind maps (visual-spatial intelligence) and other people learn better listening songs (musical intelligence).

In this video, the speaker argues that at the schools the way of teaching maths is though words, but it has been proven that only a small percentage of pupils learn maths better though words, in other words, using verbal-linguistic intelligence. For this reason, the speaker proposes us to teach maths using no words, only visual information. To do that, we can use game. In this way, he shows us that we can teach all the mathematical contents by helping a little penguin across the screen.

Moreover, using this teaching approach based on removing the language barriers there are scientific evidences of the the growth in maths proficiency.

In conclusion, this video has made me reflect on the importance of taking students' characteristics and necesites into account. As teachers, we have to know our students, we have to identify their intelligence, the way in which they learn effectively; and we have to adapt the way in which we teach to it. 
